Book your date and time on the water using our reservations system below. After you have selected your date and time it will automatically be added to your shopping cart where you can check out with pay pal if you wish to pay in advance.

For Passholders: If you would like to use one out of your 10 Water Ski Rides simply select “Water Ski Rides” as the category and then  10 Ski Ride Package as the service.

Once you get to the registration part of your reservation you will see a drop down menu asking you to select which ride# you are booking. Please select accordingly and make sure that the name you use to book your ride matches the name you used when you purchased your pass.


Want to purchase a 10 Ski Ride Pass ? Click here. After purchase is successful return to this page to book a date and time. All 10 ski ride pass bookings without initial pass purchase will be automatically cancelled. If you have any questions please contact us or visit our FAQ page.



Services Description

This single ski ride option is perfect for out of town guests, skiers who want to check out the site or those who can’t commit to a 10 ride package.

-Includes 6-8 passes through the slalom course or 6-8 times up and down the lake for free skiers
-Includes limited instruction
-Includes boat driver only
This package is the best option for skiers who are committed to learning the slalom course with an eye to competing some day or for seasoned tournament skiers who are looking to increase their slalom scores.

-Includes 6-8 passes through the slalom course or 6-8 times up and down the lake for free skiers
-Includes limited instruction
-Includes boat driver only Please note: This option can only be selected if you have already purchased your 10 ski ride package and would like to reserve a date and time. If you wish to purchase a 10 ski ride pass then please go to to purchase and then come back to this bookings page to book your time slot.
The instructors at the Greater Niagara Water Ski Club do their absolute best to make sure all of our skiers feel comfortable and are enjoying themselves during their lesson. We are proud to say that about 90% of all our beginners get up on skis in their first session!

-Includes use of club equipment
-Includes dry land and on water instruction
-Includes a boat driver and one instructor
These lessons are for water skiers who ski the slalom course and are looking to improve their technique and take their skiing to the next level.

-Includes individual instruction in the slalom course
-Includes boat driver and dedicated instructor
-Skier has their own equipment
Put together a group of family members or friends and learn to water ski at T’s Pond. Groups made up of people of different ages and abilities are welcome.
-Up to 4 participants
-Includes use of club equipment
-Includes dry land and on water instruction
-Includes boat driver, one instructor on land and one instructor in the boat